How Much Is Motorcycle Insurance Per Month?

Motorcycle insurance is essential for protecting yourself, your bike, and others on the road. The cost of motorcycle insurance can vary widely based on a number of factors. This comprehensive guide examines these factors, provides typical cost ranges, explores ways to save on insurance, and highlights the importance of having the right coverage.

How Much Is Motorcycle Insurance Per Month?

Factors Affecting Motorcycle Insurance Monthly Costs

Understanding the factors that influence motorcycle insurance costs can help you estimate your monthly premium and find ways to lower it.

Type of Motorcycle: Different types of motorcycles, such as sportbikes, cruisers, touring bikes, and scooters, come with varying insurance rates. Sportbikes, for example, tend to have higher premiums due to their higher speed and greater risk of accidents.

Rider’s Age and Experience: Younger and less experienced riders typically face higher insurance premiums. Insurers consider younger riders a higher risk due to their inexperience and higher likelihood of accidents.

Location: Where you live significantly impacts your insurance costs. Urban areas with higher traffic density and crime rates usually result in higher premiums compared to rural areas.

Coverage Levels: The level and type of coverage you choose will affect your monthly premium. Comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, and additional options like uninsured motorist coverage will raise costs compared to basic liability coverage.

Riding History: A clean riding record with no accidents or claims can help lower your insurance premiums. Conversely, a history of accidents, traffic violations, or previous claims will likely increase your costs.

Motorcycle Usage: How often and for what purposes you use your motorcycle can influence your premiums. Bikes used daily for commuting may have higher premiums compared to those ridden occasionally for leisure.

Credit Score: In some regions, insurers use credit scores to determine premiums. A higher credit score can result in lower insurance costs, while a lower score may lead to higher rates.

Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Costs

Typical Cost Ranges for Motorcycle Insurance

Average monthly motorcycle insurance can vary widely, but here’s an overview of typical cost ranges based on different factors.

Basic Liability Coverage: Basic liability coverage is the minimum required by law in most states and covers damages and injuries you cause to others in an accident. On average, basic liability coverage can cost between $10 to $50 per month.

Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage includes protection against theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and other non-collision incidents. It usually costs more than basic liability, with premiums ranging from $30 to $100 per month.

Collision Coverage: Collision coverage pays for damages to your motorcycle in the event of a collision, regardless of fault. It generally adds $20 to $50 per month to your insurance cost.

Full Coverage: Full coverage insurance includes liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage, offering the most extensive protection. Full coverage can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 or more per month, depending on the factors previously mentioned.

Sportbike Insurance: Sportbikes typically incur higher insurance costs due to their higher risk of accidents and theft. Monthly premiums for sportbikes can range from $70 to $400, based on the rider’s profile and coverage level.

Cruiser and Touring Bike Insurance: Cruiser and touring motorcycles often come with lower premiums compared to sportbikes. Average monthly costs range from $30 to $150, considering factors such as the rider’s age, location, and coverage needs.

Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Costs

Ways to Save on Motorcycle Insurance

While motorcycle insurance is necessary, there are several strategies to lower your monthly premiums.

Shop Around: Compare quotes from multiple insurance providers to find the best rate. Each insurer uses different algorithms to calculate premiums, so it’s essential to shop around.

Bundle Policies: Many insurance companies offer discounts if you bundle multiple policies, such as combining your motorcycle insurance with auto or homeowner’s insurance.

Increase Deductibles: Opting for a higher deductible can lower your monthly premium. Just ensure you have enough savings to cover the deductible in the event of a claim.

Maintain a Clean Riding Record: Avoid accidents and traffic violations to keep your insurance premiums low. Safe riding habits demonstrate to insurers that you are a low-risk rider.

Take a Motorcycle Safety Course: Completing a recognized motorcycle safety course can often qualify you for insurance discounts. These courses teach valuable riding skills and safety practices.

Secure and Store Your Motorcycle Properly: Using anti-theft devices, alarms, and storing your motorcycle in a secure location like a garage can reduce the risk of theft and lower your insurance costs.

Ask About Discounts: Inquire with your insurance provider about available discounts. Common discounts include those for military service members, mature riders, and members of certain motorcycle associations.

Review and Adjust Coverage: Periodically review your coverage to ensure it matches your current needs. If your motorcycle is older and its value has depreciated, you might consider adjusting your coverage to reflect its current worth.

Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Costs

Importance of Having the Right Coverage

Having the right motorcycle insurance coverage is not just about complying with legal requirements; it’s about ensuring your financial protection and peace of mind.

Financial Protection: Adequate coverage protects you from significant financial losses in the event of an accident, theft, or damage. Medical expenses and repair costs can be substantial, and insurance helps mitigate these expenses.

Legal Compliance: Most states require motorcycle riders to carry at least basic liability insurance. Ensuring you have the required coverage keeps you compliant with the law and avoids potential fines and penalties.

Peace of Mind: Knowing you have the right insurance coverage allows you to ride with confidence, knowing you’re protected against unexpected incidents. This peace of mind enhances your overall riding experience.

Protection Against Uninsured Drivers: Uninsured motorist coverage protects you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver who lacks insurance. This coverage is essential given the number of uninsured drivers on the road.

User Insights and Experiences

Gaining insights from other riders’ experiences can provide valuable perspectives on managing insurance costs and coverage.

Positive Feedback

Many riders emphasize the importance of thorough research and comparison when choosing an insurance provider. Positive experiences often involve finding insurers that offer comprehensive coverage at competitive rates.

Learning Curve

Some riders note a learning curve when understanding different coverage options and determining the right level of protection. However, consulting with insurance agents and reading policy details can clarify these aspects.

Customized Policies

Experienced riders often highlight the benefits of customizing policies based on individual needs. Choosing the right balance between premiums and coverage ensures adequate protection without overspending.

Using Online Tools

Online comparison tools and insurance calculators are frequently mentioned as helpful resources for estimating costs and finding the best deals. These tools simplify the process of obtaining and comparing quotes.

Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Costs

Comparing Motorcycle Insurance Providers

Comparing different insurance providers can help you find the best coverage at the most affordable rate.

Progressive vs. Geico:

  • Progressive: Known for competitive rates and innovative coverage options, Progressive offers various discounts and flexible policy terms.
  • Geico: Geico is renowned for its affordable premiums and extensive customer service. The company provides robust online tools and resources for managing policies.

State Farm vs. Allstate:

  • State Farm: State Farm offers personalized insurance solutions and discounts for safe riding and bundling policies. Their extensive network of agents provides localized support.
  • Allstate: Allstate is known for its comprehensive coverage options and strong financial stability. The company offers various discounts and a user-friendly claims process.

USAA vs. Dairyland:

  • USAA: USAA is highly regarded for its customer service and competitive rates for military members and their families. The company provides a wide range of coverage options tailored to military life.
  • Dairyland: Dairyland specializes in motorcycle insurance and offers flexible payment plans and discounts for safe riding and multi-policy bundling.

Comparing Rates and Coverage: When comparing insurance providers, consider factors such as customer reviews, financial stability, coverage options, discounts, and claims processes. Obtaining quotes from multiple providers helps identify the best fit for your needs.

Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Costs

Ways to Lower Your Motorcycle Insurance Premium

Now that you understand the factors affecting your insurance costs, let’s explore ways to potentially lower your premium:

  • Take a Motorcycle Safety Course: Completing a safety course can demonstrate your commitment to responsible riding and may qualify you for discounts.
  • Bundle Your Policies: If you have other insurance policies, such as auto or home insurance, consider bundling them with your motorcycle insurance for potential savings.
  • Choose a Higher Deductible: Opting for a higher deductible can lower your monthly premium. However, make sure you can afford the deductible in case of an accident.
  • Maintain a Clean Driving Record: Avoid accidents and traffic violations to keep your premium low.
  • Shop Around and Compare Quotes: Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the best deal for your needs.


Determining the monthly cost of motorcycle insurance involves understanding various factors that influence premiums and considering ways to save on coverage. From the type of motorcycle and rider’s experience to location and coverage levels, each element plays a role in calculating insurance costs. By exploring typical cost ranges, employing strategies to lower premiums, and comparing different insurance providers, you can find the right coverage at an affordable price in 2024. This comprehensive guide offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the complexities of motorcycle insurance, ensuring you have the protection and peace of mind needed for a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

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